Lottie Animations Step by Step in Xamarin Forms

Lottie is a library created by Airbnb that allows you to run animations. It works by using a Json file that provides the content to render the animation. Thanks to Martijn van Dijk, this awesome library is also available on Xamarin Forms. For more information checkout the repository here: https://github.com/martijn00/LottieXamarin. Also, I would recommend checking out his great blog post: https://blog.xamarin.com/bring-stunning-animations-to-your-apps-with-lottie/

In some forums, I saw people were frustrated because Lottie was not working for them, so in this post I will try to explain step by step how to make it work.

1-Install the Lottie Package in all your projects

2-Init Lottie in both projects Android and iOS, using  AnimationViewRenderer.Init();


3-Add your view in your XAML or using CodeBehind, in the case of XAML you have to add the reference 


4-Choose your animation

Choose your animation created in Adobe After Effects and export it to JSON file using an After Effects extension called Bodymovin.

Or if you don’t have one you can take a JSON file from here:

5-Add your JSON to your project

In iOS add it into your project and make sure you have the build action in Bundle Resource

In Android, put it in you Assets folder and make sure you have the build action in Android Asset


And that’s it, you should have your animation working!!

Complete Source code here: https://github.com/CrossGeeks/Xamarin.Samples/tree/master/Xamarin%20Forms/LottieSample

Happy coding! 🙂

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  1. Thanks for blog post
    It was easy to follow.

    Have one problem though when trying out lottiefiles. Colors is not rendered as shown in the animation. Ex. a red heart is shown black.
    Do you know why?

  2. Thank you very much,

    I did not know about Lottie before. This is a really great tool and darn nice to include animations in Xamarin.Forms apps.


  3. This is exactly what I needed for my project. It had the key info that is missing from all the other sites, including the main site. You solved my days of frustration within minutes.

  4. There is some option to hide the Action Bar? Because I have try a lot of things, but nothing works