Useful converters in Xamarin Forms

When developing Xamarin Forms applications there are some converters that we use very often. In the following article will do a compilation of the most useful converters I have used, so that you can easily use them in your projects. (In case you are not familiar with converters you can check this article). Here the […]

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XAML Markup extension in Xamarin Forms

A XAML markup extension is a class that implements the IMarkupExtension or IMarkupExtension<T>. Basically, it allows you to set element properties referenced indirectly from a different source. In Xamarin Forms there are many markup extensions pre-created (x:Static, x:Reference, x:Null, x:Type, etc). In this article, I will focus on two very popular markup extensions which are: […]

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Common compilations problems in Xamarin and how to solve it

While using Xamarin, I have experienced a wide variety of issues, ranging from simple, to very difficult. Which sometimes can drive me crazy. These are the most common problems and how to solve it:   1-Java.exe exited with code 1. Solution: 1-Download the last version of ProGuard zip 2-UnZip the file and copy the […]

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