Cool introduction page using xamarin forms

First impressions always count, and Apps are no exception. For this reason, it is important to delight users from the very beginning – to ensure that they will engage in a pleasant experience from the first moment they open it.

A great way to create a positive first impression is to create an introduction page where you can share information with the user about the app, and provide easy options for entering into it.

A good example of an app that uses an introduction page is Spotify, which provides video and text for the user to see an overview of what the app is about.

Today, I’m to going to show you how to create a similar concept using Xamarin Forms.

In this screen I’m using 2 components:

1-The first one is a video control which shows a quick snaps videos of the context of the app.

For this one, I’m using a third party component  

2-A Carrousel view, which shows text about what you can do with the app

 The code for this is pretty simple, in The UI I’m using an Absolute Layout, and I’m applying a custom color for the background to give the dark effect in the video  new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.7).

A modification for this could be adding some automatic option, in which one the text move automatically, and the user does not have to swipe.


You can get the complete source code here:

Happy Coding! 🙂

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