Image Entry in Xamarin Forms

Sometimes we have a design in which one we need an entry with an icon inside, in this article I will show you how to achieve that in Xamarin Forms by using a custom renderer per platform. Let’s code 1- Create the control  As you can see here, I created five main properties: Image: Property to […]

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Running out of space using Xamarin

I have 4 years developing in Xamarin and I really love it, but one of the things that can sometimes drive me crazy is when my Mac runs out of memory. I have a MacBook Pro with 256 hardDisk, so as you can see I don’t have a lot of space to waste. In this […]

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Lottie Animations Step by Step in Xamarin Forms

Lottie is a library created by Airbnb that allows you to run animations. It works by using a Json file that provides the content to render the animation. Thanks to Martijn van Dijk, this awesome library is also available on Xamarin Forms. For more information checkout the repository here: Also, I would recommend checking out […]

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