When using date pickers, sometimes we have the need to be able to set no value at all. For that just created a control to a support nullable date value but also provide the possibility to clear it. Using it is really simple, let’s do it step by step: 1-In your Forms project add this control […]
Image Entry in Xamarin Forms
Sometimes we have a design in which one we need an entry with an icon inside, in this article I will show you how to achieve that in Xamarin Forms by using a custom renderer per platform. Let’s code 1- Create the control As you can see here, I created five main properties: Image: Property to […]
Universal Styling in Xamarin Form Apps
When using Xamarin Forms sometimes we have the need to make our applications look better by applying some styles.But what if our application uses a similar style for all our controls in the entire application and we just want to apply it to all these controls without too much effort. The solution of that is using […]
Lottie Animations Step by Step in Xamarin Forms
Lottie is a library created by Airbnb that allows you to run animations. It works by using a Json file that provides the content to render the animation. Thanks to Martijn van Dijk, this awesome library is also available on Xamarin Forms. For more information checkout the repository here: https://github.com/martijn00/LottieXamarin. Also, I would recommend checking out […]
Cool introduction page using xamarin forms
First impressions always count, and Apps are no exception. For this reason, it is important to delight users from the very beginning – to ensure that they will engage in a pleasant experience from the first moment they open it. A great way to create a positive first impression is to create an introduction page […]