Prism Regions in Xamarin Forms

If you don’t know what Prism is, I recommend that you read this article first. On Prism 8.0, the Prism Team released an amazing feature called Regions, which gives us a lot of flexibility in handling different views on a page. To understand it, let’s see the following use case: We have a TabbedView (Or […]

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XAML Naming Conventions in Xamarin Forms

While developing applications, one of the things that help maintain the quality of your code is adhering to the naming conventions of the programming language you are using. As Xamarin Developers there are predefined rules that we usually follow in our C# code. But what happens with our XAML? Since there’s no pre-defined naming convention […]

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Stop doing IsVisible=“true/false” to Show/Hide Views in RunTime in Xamarin Forms

When developing UI a common use case is to hide/show a View according to a certain condition, when thinking on how to do this the first thing that comes to mind is to add an IsVisible property and just hide/show it according to a condition but doing that has performance implications since hiding an element […]

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