In a previous article we talked about Triggers, in which basically we were using it for use cases when we wanted to change a control value based on a property value in the model. So instead of writing the code in our model, we do in our XAML. Converters use a similar concept, just instead […]
Understanding Triggers in Xamarin Forms
When using Xamarin Forms sometimes we have a control in our XAML that changes according to the value of a property in our model. For example, if we have a Label which property Text has a binding to a string property that represents a Name in a model that we want to be visible only […]
Exploring new properties in Xamarin Forms 3.0
With the release of Xamarin Forms 3.0, everybody is talking about the new features: Flex Layout, css, Visual State Manager and Right to Left. In this article, we are not going to talk about them because there are a lot of articles that already cover those really well. (Here a good one ) . What […]
Quick Trick: Remove Extra Separator Lines in ListView (Xamarin Forms – iOS)
When using ListViews in Xamarin Forms sometimes we have the use case that we have a list with just a few elements, and we want to show each element with a separator line. As we know Xamarin by default set a separator line, but on iOS it is set to all rows even the one […]
AbsoluteLayout in Xamarin Forms Made Simple
Looking at some open source code I see that people barely use AbsoluteLayouts, and I think the main reason of that is because they might not know how to use it. In this article, I’m going to explain step by step how to use it, why, and what you can achieve with it. Let’s start with the […]
Grids in Xamarin Forms Made Simple
Recently I’ve been talking with some people that are having some difficulties understanding Grids, and to achieve similar things they use other kinds of layout. In this article, I’m going to explain step by step how to use a grid, why, and what you can achieve with it. Let’s start with the basics A grid is a […]
Picker with right side icon in Xamarin Forms
Using a Picker in Xamarin Forms is really simple you just need to add the control to a page, set items and that’s it. But what happens when we have a design in which we have an icon on the right side of our picker (To add some styling to it)? a solution could be to […]
Step Bar in Xamarin Forms
Imagine that you want to create a tutorial in your app or just want to make the filling of a simple and boring form a much more entertaining experience. Using a “step by step” is the ideal way of keeping the user engaged but also making them follow a very streamlined process while at the […]
Custom Entry Validation in Xamarin Forms
A good UX practice when developing applications that involve filling a form is to give feedback to the user when a field is wrong or invalid. In this article, we are going to do just that by highlighting the fields where user input is invalid so that they know where exactly is the input issue. The […]
Navigation Bar with Shadow in Xamarin Forms
Material design is a comprehensive guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices. In mobile apps, Android support it by using the Material Theme which determines the look and feel of views and activities starting from Android 5.0 (Lollipop) on. One particular thing of Material Design is the use of shadows. In the […]