Custom Entry Validation in Xamarin Forms

A good UX practice when developing applications that involve filling a form is to give feedback to the user when a field is wrong or invalid.

In this article, we are going to do just that by highlighting the fields where user input is invalid so that they know where exactly is the input issue.

The result of this entry validation will be something like this:

As you can above I’m highlighting the border of the entry with a different color and also changing the placeholder to show a message related to the input error.

Let’s code step by step

1-Create a Custom Entry Control

The first I’m going to do is to create a new control that inherits from Entry and will add three properties:

  • IsBorderErrorVisible: To show when the error would be visible
  • BorderErrorColor: The border color of the entry
  • ErrorText: Text error to show in the placeholder

2-Create custom renderers per platform

As you know the Xamarin Forms Entry does not provide a property for customizing the border color, so to achieve this we are going to create a custom renderer.


As you can see above, the code is simple, when the property IsBorderErrorVisible change I’m setting the border color to the native control color and if not I’m using the default light entry color that the entries have in the border.


In Android, the code is logic is similar to IOS, but here we are going to update the border also in the method OnElementChanged because the default Android entry does not have a border, and I want to change the default entry to have a light gray border.

3-Create an Entry Behavior

In this behavior, we will handle the error to provide ui feedback to the user when validation occurs

As you can see here, in the method OnPropertyChanged and changing the color to the PlaceHolder and also assigning the Text Error. Also, I’m setting the IsBorderErrorVisible to false each time the user types a text on the field.

4-Use the control


The User model is really simple, each property instead of being a simple string field will be a Field which will have three new properties to handle errors (Name- IsNotValid  – NotValidMessageError) .


Each time the user clicks on the button, I’m raising the method OnValidationCommand to do the validations and assign to each property in the model if there’s an error and the kind of error found.

For example, if (User.Password.Name.Length < 5), I’m assigning to the field Password into the property Message the text “Password must have more than 5 characters” and setting NotValid to true.


NOTE: Another option to achieve this is instead of creating an Entry behavior handle the logic of the placeholder in each renderer, I didn’t do that to have more flexibility on adding/removing this behavior easily to my entry fields.

Packages Used:

And that’s all, you can check the full source code here:


Happy coding!

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  1. Hi Charlin, this is great work and something I have been looking out for 🙂 By any chance, have you also added support for UWP? If so, it would be great if you could also share the custom renderer for UWP as well.

  2. Hi! Thanks for the post. Easy to follow and helpful. In my scenario, unlike your single model scenario, I want to implement it with a List of Objects. The List View contains a Grid view. In the OnValidationCommand declaration within the constructor, I have similar code to yours, only difference being that the checks are done on every iteration of a for loop. The List on the view model side, is being updated correctly once the button submits back from the view with one of the values emptied, and within the OnValidationCommand, the correct positions requiring an error are also being updated correctly. However, the view does not update and the errors and borders do not appear. Any idea why this might be happening?